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The cold months of 2016 changed everything. For the first time, my view was widened to include absolute responsibility; for all that had happened and all that could. My first ever published articles (linked to the right) share the story of the self-help straight jacket I experienced that winter and how it transformed my life in the most unimaginable way.

I’m one of those annoying people who believe everything happens for a reason. So I knew why I was called up to that stage. I hadn’t accepted it as truth just yet, but I wondered if I could use this exercise to rid myself of a panic attack. Of course, it wasn’t long before the opportunity presented itself.”
From Thought Catalog – 2017
“Then she asked me to rate my pain on a scale of one to ten, and I laughed. I opened my eyes, abruptly remembering I was on a stage in front of hundreds of people and laughed at the insane reality of knowing my headache disappeared. It blew my mind.”

From New Life Outlook – 2017



I was never a huge arcade fan (except Mortal Kombat - long story) so my understanding of Tetris is a bit basic. But somehow I can *feel* the Tetris game that is my life. I see vibrant/nearly neon shapes coming down from the ethers and into my physical space. They’re...

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The question is not whether or not you are divinely guided. The question is Are you listening?

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You're already on your perfect path. You're already the master of your experience. You're here, exactly in the right place. Step...

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I follow a popular mom blogger on Facebook. She's really funny and has thousands of followers. This morning she used her platform to laugh at herself about a banana she found in last year's lunch box. She said it was the "I am a good mom" banana, suggesting that if...

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My Diamond of a dad took me to one of his favorite restaurants in Brooklyn maybe 15 years ago. After he paid, the server brought back his receipt. He picked it up and wrote a piece of advice I still return to. "Never take shit for money." . . . Now here's my add-on to...

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Knowing that, believing that, and getting excited about that immediately lifts me up to make the choices that support my peaceful life.

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Spot of Tea

Even in our moments of misery, we accomplish it all. The only way out is in.

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Dear Moms & Dads

Whatever I choose will likely be radical under the view of most people. (I know… You’re shocked.) I hope you choose radically, too.

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Something really scary happened today. For a while afterward, I had a hard time regulating... Couldn't quite shake the thoughts of what could've been. But it wasn't long before I was thrown into the depths of extreme G R A T I T U D E. How odd... it sometimes takes...

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Self Love

You want these things because you deserve them. If you’re not getting this level of acceptance from whomever you’re with, consider it is YOU who owes it to yourself.

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Moments Like These

Growth looks like this sometimes. Sometimes it’s laying on the couch with Daniel Tiger and your toddler, crying just silently enough to excuse yourself from the teaching moments of big and valid emotion.

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Note to Self

You’ve forgotten yourself in the navigations of this deal. You’re not fulfilled because it’s simply not for you. Not anymore.

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A Letter to My Daughter

Dearest Wild Child of Mine, Your sparks rise so high, my love. I find myself more and more challenged when I jump and reach to meet you up there. You coax the best out of me by shedding light on my darkest moments. You've yet to understand the power you hold. One day,...

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On the Importance of Expression

…two things cannot exist in one place. If my brain and heart are heavily weighed with any number of to-dos, concerns, or questions unanswered I have no room available for the joys, pride, and acceptance I deserve to spend my energy on.

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Wind In My Hair

There’s a slide you can take down to this place of forgetfulness. Oh, I rode it with carelessness, not realizing just how far it would take me.

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A recent 'yes' of mine has turned into a whirlwind of self-discovery. Has that ever happened to you? You think you're answering a question in one pocket of your life and soon you realize what you thought was small simply is not. Everything is interconnected. Now that...

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Freedom In Structure, Structure In Freedom

Life is a constant stream of extremes. Only when we become aware of them, can we start to appreciate the middle ground between them. I used to plan everything to a fault with lists, lists, and more lists. I didn't know it at the time, but it kept me rigid and unable...

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I feel success like an emotion lately. Allow me to explain. For a few days now, I've made it a practice to be intentionally ridiculous. I will look at the wall, myself in the mirror, or my 2 year old and yell "YESSSS!!!" With nothing in particular in mind... Just...

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It’s Up to You

It's comfortable to live the same way every day, isn't it? Surrounded by your fuzzy and familiar thoughts; challenging nothing, accepting the same truth you have your entire life. Is it serving you? . . . I aced an interview recently. Here's the story. The infamous...

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No Resistance

Today is one of those days... Know what I mean? Today I called my mom and talked it out for a while I shed thousand-pound tears I hugged my daughter extra close I put my feet in the grass and my face in the sun I spent time with my framily I was in action toward...

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Remembering the power + wonder you came into this world with just isn’t as complicated as you think

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The house you live in is not the house you live in. Not your clothes, not your Harry Potter books, not your coffee cups. You. Where do YOU live? . You may have noticed in my last post I used the word toxic with "QuOtEs". Although they didn't take the sting away, they...

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I survived

I’m not an adorable photo with a perfect life attached. I am a real human. And I survived.

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… just be with yourself for a moment. Have a look-see into that brilliant mind. Observe. Acknowledge. Take notice of where you are within yourself. Then get stand up, look in the mirror, and try this on like a jacket.

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It’s Time

It’s time to ask yourself what’s important to you in this life. What matters? Put away the headphones and let your phone disappear into the seat next to you. Engage yourself.

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