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What if there is no such thing?

What if we are all so busy flying into the next moment, the next appointment, the next video, the next text, we are leaving ourselves behind? What if we are overlooking the only important parts of our lives – chalking them up to happenstance, coincidence, serendipity, or nothing at all? Moving on so quickly we forget to look deeply at anything. Are we missing life’s real power?

The collection of trillions of cells that create you, the way they communicate throughout your body, how they form to make you look solid and give you the ability to process food. And thought. The whispers, giggles, and phone calls… each specific word pondered then spoken… each internal thought and the resulting emotional response… just to get your parents to agree to meet on the bridge and make out. WHOLE ENTIRE LIVES that existed before yours had to happen exactly a certain way to get you here.

Coinkidinks? I don’t think so.

It all happened perfectly, on purpose. With meaning. Between the LINES. With a bigger reason behind e v e r y t h i n g  .  All of those methodic puzzle pieces resulted in the only you.

You, in your current state of wholeness and completeness, are a miracle. Your existence in itself is the miracle.

And if the miracle has already arrived… the one you’ve been begging and pleading for.. how much space did you just free up to pray for, meditate on, manifest, or vision board something else?

Take a trip to the bathroom. Have a seat on that lovely porcelain throne of yours and just be with yourself for a moment. Have a look-see into that brilliant mind. Observe. Acknowledge. Take notice of where you are within yourself. Then get stand up, look in the mirror, and try this on like a jacket.

“I am not a coincidence. I am the miracle I’ve been waiting for.”

Love and Light,
Lacinda Sue