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The house you live in is not the house you live in.
Not your clothes, not your Harry Potter books, not your coffee cups. You. Where do YOU live?
You may have noticed in my last post I used the word toxic with “QuOtEs”. Although they didn’t take the sting away, they helped me to separate myself from the word. Admittedly, I only used it to get your attention. We, as a people, love this flavor of language.
Wherever in the world you sit at this moment is now your laboratory. Let’s experiment.
Say the word toxic. Repeat it 13 times. It works well for you to say it aloud, but you’re welcome to use it however feels right for you right now.
Come on. Do it.
My guess is you’ve noticed little to no change right away. As the moments pass you’re wondering what the point is and… ah… maybe about now… something feels… different.
Sit with that feeling, whatever it is. Meaning: let it in, allow it to be there, soak it up, don’t fight it. And try not to think of the word that got you to this space.
There’s more!
Say the word yay. Repeat it 13 times.
Now sit inside the aftermath of that one.
And try not to think of the word.
What did you feel? Was it high? Low? Could you forget the words after using them so many times?
Take a moment to consider what flavor of language you favor. In what’s left of your day, notice what your internal voice sounds like… What choices do you make when describing another person or circumstance? What about when you’re describing yourself?

What does it feel like in your body to use the language you’re using?
Take care of your house, friends. At least through this life, it’s the one you’ve got.

Love and light,
Lacinda Sue