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It’s comfortable to live the same way every day, isn’t it? Surrounded by your fuzzy and familiar thoughts; challenging nothing, accepting the same truth you have your entire life.
Is it serving you?
I aced an interview recently.
Here’s the story.
The infamous and most dreaded request came from the other side of the phone. When I say I almost died, I mean it from the bottom of my deep and beautiful soul.
“Tell me about your weaknesses.”
I was severely unprepared to answer this question for the second-millionth time in my life. I was afraid I’d make a mistake and say the worst possible thing. It never occurred to me until that day, I’d left so many interviews feeling crappy about me because I chose to bury myself in the process.
Would you like to know what flew out of my mouth ? ? ?
It. Was. Biblical.
If it weren’t for all this power I have, who knows what game I would have played…
I told her I wasn’t sure I had any weaknesses at all.
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Can you belIEVE my AuDaCiTy?
I went on to explain that I don’t actually think I’m flawless, but that my new level of self love has led me to select a new view of what she would call a β€œweakness”.
I said, “I prefer to call them missed opportunities.”
Would you believe I’ve never, ever used this phrase before? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ And it just flew out like I’ve lived this life all along!
Do you know what it did for me to declare something so powerful?
πŸ‘‡*simultaneously and immediately*πŸ‘‡
…secured a job offer
…shifted my energy (and hers)
from πŸ˜’ to 🀩πŸ’ͺπŸŽ‰
…created a space of true acceptance of myself (the most important person in my life)
…allowed me to clearly see what I’d been missing and where I could seek out the opportunities I wanted
I promptly chose to ignore the remaining steps in the hiring process πŸ˜…
Suddenly, it was clear I was meant to play a bigger game.
When you have access to your power:
You stop filling in the blanket ad-libs people hand you. You write your own story.
You accept the compliments that come your way. “Why yes, I AM a kick-a**, human. Thank you for noticing.”
When your power is comfortably buried:
You follow suit. “Sure! My weaknesses are…”
You won’t accept. “Thanks but… I have my shortcomings.”
The point is, it’s up to you.