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It’s valuable and important to date yourself, cook a healthy meal, embrace your own passions and interests, wash your face, and routinely cleanse your energy… But self-love isn’t mastered here. It’s the scaffolding upon which you can build.
Self Love of the deepest kind is falling in love with who you are the way you imagine your “perfect partner” would.
You want your partner to know your innermost secrets and accept them. You want them to hold you and care for you in your darkest moments. You want them to anticipate your needs, see them and greet them before you have a chance to ask. You want them to know what makes you tick, how to respond to your triggers, what you’d like to spend your Sundays doing, and how you take your coffee. You want them to watch you curl your toes against the sheets while you drift off to sleep and think “how adorable ๐Ÿ˜“. You want them to notice and love the way your freckles rest upon your tired eyelids and how perfectly your belly rests when you lie down on your side. You want them to be fully present with you and enjoy your company – totally.
If you don’t feel about yourself the way you want your “perfect partner” to feel about you, there is absolutely room to go deeper into Self Love.
You know your innermost secrets. Do you accept them? Do you know what makes you tick? Have you noticed and loved how your belly lies in bed? Do you appreciate your own mind and how beautiful your perspective is? Are you fully present with yourself?
Catch my drift? ๐Ÿ˜
You want these things because you deserve them. If you’re not getting this level of acceptance from whomever you’re with (or) if you feel it’s unattainable, consider it is YOU who owes it to yourself. Take the time to become your own partner. Begin the process of falling in love. It โœจwillโœจ take time, like all strong and healthy relationships do… and it โœจwillโœจ be worth it. Trust me.
Expectations become the trap of always searching for more. The more rich ways you can show up for yourself, the fewer expectations you have. The fewer expectations you have, the freer you feel. The freer you feel, the higher you vibrate. The higher you vibrate, the more of that energy you attract.
More people like you, more people who love you, and more people who are in love with themselves.
Think of the world you can create ๐ŸŒŽ