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You’re already on your perfect path. You’re already the master of your experience. You’re here, exactly in the right place. Step...


I follow a popular mom blogger on Facebook. She’s really funny and has thousands of followers. This morning she used her platform to laugh at herself about a banana she found in last year’s lunch box. She said it was the “I am a good mom”...


My Diamond of a dad took me to one of his favorite restaurants in Brooklyn maybe 15 years ago. After he paid, the server brought back his receipt. He picked it up and wrote a piece of advice I still return to. “Never take shit for money.” . . . Now...


Someone close reminded me – the ones I’m not getting along with aren’t wrong or to blame. Instead, their worldview is simply D I F F E R E N T than mine. • This isn’t challenging to accept or know, but to practice it in real time? Fuggetaboutit...