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I was never a huge arcade fan (except Mortal Kombat – long story) so my understanding of Tetris is a bit basic. But somehow I can *feel* the Tetris game that is my life. I see vibrant/nearly neon shapes coming down from the ethers and into my physical space. They’re SO bright, that sometimes I can lose sight of the bigger picture behind it. I have a body-shaped screen listed with 90+ years worth of rows waiting to be completed. With each match, I can hear the arcade-flavored, level-up *ding* and it brews big excitement each time.
Every choice, every call, every gathering, every moment, every person, every place, every thing is a funky shape asking me, “Do I fit?”
Does it fit?
Will I have time?
*Can* I manipulate this to align with who and what I am?
Will it melt into exactness inside a fully matched row or will this bright green L shape sit atop the 29th and taunt me into overflow?
The less I ask, the more I know.
I know the shapes I meet will either fit or not. I accept that there will be moments of lag and confusion. There will always be pauses, **pay 500 coins to get a hint** options, and those beautiful breaks just to witness the “I have no idea”s. I get that some spaces I have yet to fill are small and exact, while others are vast and more vaguely inviting. I also understand that the shapes never cease to fall. The rainbow comes again and again. I will miss opportunities AND the opportunities are endless.
Right now my rows are level-up dinging all over the place, divinely aligning with themselves. The twisting and turning of all the people, places, and things are supporting this ever-evolving heart space of mine.

How’s your Tetris going?