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Someone close reminded me – the ones I’m not getting along with aren’t wrong or to blame. Instead, their worldview is simply D I F F E R E N T than mine. • This isn’t challenging to accept or know, but to practice it in real time? Fuggetaboutit...
Spot of Tea

Spot of Tea

We are not fixing ourselves. We are not broken. Even in our moments of misery, we accomplish it all. Take a moment to really consider all the hats you wear, how many roles you play, how easily you take for granted all the boxes you check every day. This version of us...
Dear Moms & Dads

Dear Moms & Dads

I wrote a letter to the parents in my life. I’m blessed to have so many. I shared it with them before I published it here… I wondered if any readers may get something out of this powerful moment of authenticity in my life. Happy Reading!! Dear Moms and...


Something really scary happened today. For a while afterward, I had a hard time regulating… Couldn’t quite shake the thoughts of what could’ve been. But it wasn’t long before I was thrown into the depths of extreme G R A T I T U D E. How...
Self Love

Self Love

It’s valuable and important to date yourself, cook a healthy meal, embrace your own passions and interests, wash your face, and routinely cleanse your energy… But self-love isn’t mastered here. It’s the scaffolding upon which you can build....